Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Art Curriculum- Week 16- Cubist Self Portraits

Week 16- Cubist Self Portraits

Our last lesson was on Surrealism. To view it click here.

Movement: Cubism

What you will need:

-A basic photo editing system

Time: 30 minutes

Prep was the most time consuming part. I saved 6 copies of each child's photo and cropped each one separately to zoom in on certain areas and zoom out on others. Then I copied and pasted the cropped images into a word document and sized them down to what I thought was appropriate. I had a separate folder and document for each child.
  • I showed them different pictures of cubism and explained the basic concept of magnifying certain parts of a subject that the artist thought were important.
  • Each child got a full page of their picture blown up and a separate sheet of paper with their cropped images that they had to cut out.
  • Then it was a simple matter of placing their "pieces" on the page. I told them they could position the pieces however they wanted to (ex. upside down, to the side) as long as they put it by the original image. So the big foot would go by the feet, not the head.

Here are the finished beauties!

Overall: Easy, simple, and the kids really enjoyed it which was a relief to me because Cubism is such a strange movement to teach to kids!

(logging 1 1/2 hours for prep and execution)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Art Curriculum- Week 15- Eye of Surrealism

Week 15- Eye of Surrealism

Welcome back to the 2015 school year! We began our 2nd half of the school year with a simple project on surrealism.

Our last project in December involved making "dancing snowmen" accompanied by a story involving what snowmen do at night. :) To view it click here.

Category: Surrealism

What you will need:

-simple eye coloring sheet (I drew my own eye, but if you don't want to Google has an endless supply)
-markers (2 different blues = 1 light/1dark, a black marker)

Time: 30 minutes (at the most)
  • Each child got their own eye to color and a blank piece of paper
  • I taught them how to make clouds (pictured below) and rain drops. We discussed our favorite kinds of weather. I then explained that what we were doing was called surrealism, where you take something normal and put a twist on it. So if you're favorite weather was a pink and orange sunset and you really liked trees; then you could paint a pink and orange sunset with a pretty tree in your eye to represent that.

Practice Sheets:

  • Draw clouds first in lighter blue and raindrops in darker blue
  • color the raindrops dark
  • fill in the rest of the sky with the lighter blue
  • draw in the pupil with a black marker

And taa-daa! That's it!

Overall: A very simple project and easy to execute if pressed for time.

Related posts:

-Fauvism and Zebras

(logging 1 hour for prep and execution)

Friday, January 9, 2015


my first post
Some of you might have heard of the massive site devoted to art called "DeviantArt."

There you will find thousands upon thousands of art in every from. From watercolors to wacky sculptures, vast fantasy landscapes to knitted crafts, there will definitely be something to your taste!

I finally decided to join this wondrous place.

Maybe give it a look? :)

Shard-of-Starlight's Profile