Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Art Curriculum- Week 9- Fauvism and Zebras

colorful zebras

Week 9- Fauvism and Zebras

Last week's blog post involved copying one of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings, to view it click here.

Artistic Movement: Fauvism

What you'll need:

-printer (regular copy paper)

Time: 30+ minutes (it depends on the coloring sheet you choose, and the level your young artists are at!)


"...emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by impressionism."
(quote taken from Wikipedia)
  • A very simple project to prepare for, all I had to do was look up coloring sheets of zebras.
  • As a bonus, look up fauvism in trees, animals, zebras, horses, etc. to show the kids. I knew that if I was going to have them coloring in what adults would usually consider "bad" I needed to provide a reason for it! I showed them a variety of examples of fauvism, explaining and pointing out the use of color and what it meant.
  • I have a wide pool of ages to provide for, all on different levels of patience, so I ran off options that ran on 2 different difficulty levels.
  • The rules were:
    -No black/brown/skin colors
    -No two stripes could touch if they were the same color
  • I was surprised however when 2 of the younger ones finished their simple zebra head and asked for more to color. I gave them a go at trying a "big kid" coloring sheet and they did very well.
  • The amount of time for this project is specific to your own group of kids. Some kids are naturally quicker at coloring while others must painstakingly make every marker stroke perfectly in line.
Overall: The kids surprised me, this fan group of "no coloring" spent a lot of time and detail on each of their pieces. A fun project that's easy to prepare for. 

Related Posts:

-Week 8- Van Gogh's Fields
-Week 7- Monet's Bridge
-Week 5- Stained Glass Leaves

(logging 1 hour for prep and execution)

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