Monday, May 4, 2015

Art Curriculum- Week 29- Blown "Glass" Sculptures

Week 29- Blown "Glass" Sculptures

Category: Summer

What you will need:

-plastic cups (we used 3 different kinds we had on hand)

Time: 1 hour (not including prep time)

I found this project on Aggieland Mommy.
  • Turn the oven on to 350 degrees
  • Color the cups with sharpies (we had a variety of cups we experimented with to get different shapes. Make sure you color thick and bold. This isn't a project for detail. Simple shapes and stripes work best.
  • Place the cups on tinfoil (open mouth facing down) on a pan.
  • Stick in the oven for 3-4 minutes. If you can turn on your oven light and try to watch them collapse! (just a warning, our fancy tall cups refused to melt all the way. They kept their cup shape)
  • Take out of the oven and use a knife/fork to pull the cups off the tinfoil. The plastic will still be soft, but it hardens almost immediately so don't be worried about ruining your sculpture.
  • After it's completely cool... enjoy!

Before melting

After melting

Overall: Easy and enjoyable. The kids needed some extra encouragement to keep coloring but they did really well!

(2 hours - prep included experimenting with the plastic and making examples)

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