Thursday, December 19, 2013

Desolation of Smaug Midnight Premiere

A year ago, fans of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy were left in suspense at the end of

"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey."

A year later the joyous time has come upon us once more where Tolkien nerds can weep and laugh in joy at their pain being appeased at last. No more agony! We have the movie we've been waiting a year for! Everybody run around and celebrate!!!

Last Friday I was unbelievable and bizarrely thrilled to see the midnight premiere of "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug." My first ever midnight premiere. For a movie related to my favorite books in all of this world. :D


This isn't a review, that would require too many spoilers which I don't want to give so soon after its release, and my view is too biased to be an honest reference point for the entire thing.

I will say I loved it. There were so many things I disagreed with (those of you who have read the book(s) will sympathize) but the more I've had time to relax and think about it the more I enjoyed it.

The picture below is a legit airplane that that they have in New Zealand. That place goes crazy this time of year concerning the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies. Postage stamps, coins, they have the set of Hobbiton in permanent residence there along with the Green Dragon... Honestly New Zealand is the closest thing we'll ever get to Middle Earth I think except for in our dreams and our imaginative reading endeavors.

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